Instruction for making a trellis with stakes cross connector


Nowadays, trellis is one of the most popular garden designs. This garden design fits many types of garden settings, saves space, and gives your living space a poetic and elegant appeal. But is it difficult to make your own trellis? Let's find out more details in the following articles with DAIM!

What is a trellis?

Let DAIM explain the concept of a trellis to you before learning how to make one! A trellis is typically covered with one or more different kinds of vines. These woody plants can grow on the ground or along other trees' or stands' trunks. You can let them grow naturally in the direction of the balcony or wall, or you can create their shape by building a frame with a staked cross connector.


Trellis is shaped from vines (Source: Canva)  

Vines are often planted for the following purposes:

  • For decorating balconies, home gates, and porches, people mostly choose climbing roses, bougainvillea, tigon flowers, Indian chrysanthemums, etc.
  •  For fruit, such as kiwi, passion fruit, squash, gourds, etc.

To create a trellis, you can grow one kind of plant or combine a variety of plants together to create a vibrant and unique garden. However, you should be aware that combining several plant varieties will make the care more difficult.

Some techniques for making trellis

Currently, there are 3 most popular methods of making trellis: A-frame trellis, vertical trellis, and inclined trellis to the wall. Both of these trellis-building methods necessitate the use of stakes and cross connectors. You will also need to prepare some additional items, as follows:

  • Materials for making frames: bamboo, cork, iron, plastic-coated steel, etc.
  •  Connecting tools: staked cross connectors, extending clamps/tube holders, drawstrings, etc. 

Moreover, you must make sure that the height in the climbing area is at least 1.5 meters, and if you need to harvest fruits, it can be up to 2.5 meters. 


A design for zucchini trellis (Source: Canva)

Techniques for making trellis with staked cross connectors

  • Step 1: Stakes must be inserted into the ground parallel to one another to form squares. Each bed will be separated by 40 to 60 cm. A staked cross connector, a plastic swivel, or an extending clamp can be used to connect the tubes. 
  •  Step 2: Spread the trellis net on the top of the trellis to create an environment where the vines may produce fruit.

Techniques for making A frame trellis

  • Step 1: Drive the piles for the trellis into the ground in an A shape. Continuously drive a row to form parallel A-shapes; the distance between each is 30-50cm. To connect the pile frames, you should definitely use staked cross connectors.
  • Step 2: Stretch the trellis net to cover the A frame on both sides. You need to add extra drawstrings to firmly fix the net to the vines.

Techniques for attaching inclined trellis to the wall

With this technique, you create a trellis by attaching the pipes to a grid with squares that are 30 × 30 cm in size. You should use more staked cross connectors to firmly fix the pipes. The trellis should then be angled against the wall. And now you have a simple trellis that can support vines to grow gourds or squash. 

Which tools should you use for making trellises?


You should use high quality materials to make the trellis (Source: Canva)


Garden tools from DAIM are recommended if you want to create a trellis of high quality. If you are still unsure of where to start, let's refer to the product set below:

  • Frame for vines: Instead of making a trellis frame on your own, you can use DAIM's built-in flower and climbing frame. These products are all made of high-quality materials with great durability and can withstand harsh impacts from the environment. 
  •  Pipes: This product is suitable for those of you who prefer to design a trellis frame that best meets your needs. The main material is plastic-coated steel pipes, which have a long service life. 
  •  Staked cross connector: One of the components needed to construct the trellis. Your trellis frame will be securely fixed and not shaky with the support of the staked cross connectors. 
  •  Other tools: Depending on your needs and types of plants that you choose to grow, you can use more crossband connector, garden clamps, garden edging roll, etc.

The above trellis information is provided by DAIM in the hopes that you have found a technique for making trellises that best meets your needs and the garden area. Please feel free to contact us at any time if you need more detailed advice about any of the products at DAIM, including staked cross connectors, frames, planters, garden tools, etc.

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